BlissBomb, a New York City-based brand specializing in oven-baked mini donuts, has introduced a series of new flavors to celebrate the valuable contributions of diverse employee groups who bring their unique cultural heritage to the workplace. 

Inspired by requests from its corporate customers, BlissBomb set about researching ingredients and creating recipes to honor traditions, traits and the positive impact of diverse employee groups through delicious culinary experiences.

The following flavors will be featured in BlissBomb’s DE&I donut lineup, with each flavor available for catering, event and ecommerce orders for one month:

  • Honey Hibiscus (February - Black History Month) - Hibiscus and benne have roots in West Africa and are now beloved ingredients in African diaspora recipes. This honey hibiscus donut is enrobed in ruby chocolate, with a crispy benne topping.
  • Mimosa Citrus (March - Women’s History Month/International Women’s Day) - Fashioned after the traditional dessert of La Festa della Donna. In Italy on March 8, fragrant mimosa flowers are presented to women across the country in celebration of La Festa della Donna, International Women’s Day. This mimosa and lemon donut is covered in delicious white chocolate, with suffragette violet and gold toppings.
  • Lemon Matcha (May - Asian Pacific Heritage Month) - Matcha, made from green tea leaves, originated in East Asia and has become a favorite flavor in foods and beverages worldwide. This lemon matcha donut is enrobed in white chocolate, dusted with matcha powder, and topped with a candied lemon peel.
  • Floral Celebration & Disco Ball (June - LGBTQ+ Pride Month) - Floral Celebration features flowers that express important themes in the LGBTQ+ community: rose, marigold, and cornflower petals symbolizing love, healing, and hope. For Disco Ball, the colors of the rainbow sparkle on the outside of this donut, while the colors of the Pride flag are revealed beneath the rich dark chocolate with every bite, encouraging people to discover the meaning behind each color.
  • Dulce de Calabaza (Sept. 15-Oct. 15 - National Hispanic Heritage Month) - Cultivated in Central America, calabaza (pumpkin/squash) pairs perfectly with chocolate and heady spices in this Mesoamerican treat.
  • Apple Ginger (October - National Disability Employment Awareness Month) - This bright apple ginger donut is covered in rich dark chocolate and adorned with the colors of the Flag for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

“Gratitude and joy were the guiding principles in creating our brand and our product profile, so expressing appreciation through a menu of thoughtfully-curated, delicious mini donuts makes perfect sense for BlissBomb and for our customers,” says Dan Stevens, founder and president of BlissBomb. “As an LGBTQ-owned business, we know how important it is for employees to feel they can show up and contribute at work as their true selves.”

The new DE&I donut flavors were conceived and hand crafted by BlissBomb executive pastry chef Tarran Hatton, formerly of Milk Bar.