As we look ahead to another new year, bakers and pastry chefs are undoubtedly turning their focus to such key aspects of business as production cost control and new product innovation. Bake is no different. The last time our print magazine experienced a redesign came in 2012, the same year our family-owned company, Sosland Publishing, celebrated 90 years in business. Baking Buyer became bake seven years ago to reflect a more modern approach to the artistry of baking. In 2020, we are poised to evolve once more.

Starting in January, we will introduce the first of four Special Report Digital Editions next year — each diving headfirst into a specific portion of the bakery and pastry business. Once per quarter, bake’s editorial team will delve into a trending product category and will provide you with compelling and relevant content. We start in January with Craft Breads, followed by Dessert-style Donuts in May, Clean Label in July, and Gourmet Chocolate in November. Each special report promises to be highly engaging (think videos and slide shows) with how-to guides and business insights from innovators within each category.

Our ultimate goal — as always — is helping you be more profitable in your business. We also continue to seek out ways to improve how our community connects and communicates with one another. The reality is that the digital world is fully upon us now. As we grow more targeted digital media efforts in 2020, our bake print magazine will continue to deliver valuable business insights and compelling content every other month. Because you have told us that print still matters. And we love print, too. 

We are more committed than ever to helping bakers and pastry chefs benefit from being an equal part of this community we call bake, both online and in print. That is why we always love to hear from you — with a story suggestion, a great idea or anything that comes to mind. Please sign up for bake’s Special Report Digital Series on or email to ensure you don’t miss this exclusive content.