Reiser, a leading supplier of food processing and packaging equipment ,hosted more than 75 food scientists, chefs, and other industry professionals and students at its Canton, Massachusetts facility for a New England Research Chefs Association (NERCA) educational session on March 8.

Attendees toured Reiser's facility and enjoyed a series of equipment demonstrations, tastings, and networking. The event was led by Susanna Tolini, Executive Research Chef at Kayem Foods and Chair of NERCA, along with Chef Joseph Ascoli, Corporate Executive Chef / Director - Customer Center at Reiser and an RCA regional board member.

Attendees included members of NERCA, along with members of NEIFT (Northeast Section - Institute of Food Technologists), food processors from 28 New England-area companies, and students from Johnson & Wales, Framingham State University, and University of Massachusetts Amherst.

Guests were shown how they could develop their own special recipes and successfully produce them in large quantities using Reiser equipment.

“This was one of our best attended events ever”, said Susanna Tolini. “It was a great opportunity for this group to come into Reiser and learn how technology can help advance the development of their food products. Many guests commented that they were inspired by the technology and planned to test it with their own processes and products.”

Reiser demonstrated several pieces of equipment, including its Vemag Cookie Dough Depositor. Jeff Zeak, Bakery Technologist & Instructor at Reiser, demonstrated the Vemag as it deposited two lanes of exact-weight chocolate chip cookie dough portions. The portions were later cooked and enjoyed by all in attendance.