With Oktoberfest right around the corner, Eastern Standard Provisions, Boston-based maker of artisanal soft pretzels, has partnered with the brewers at Samuel Adams to create the ideal Oktoberfest beer – Wheelhaus Dunkel (5.5% ABV). It’s brewed using Eastern Standard Provisions’ brioche-style soft pretzels that pump up the bready tasting notes, while salt contrasts to brighten up this fine lager.

“As we started to think about this brew, we looked at our classics. We’ve long served Eastern Standard Pretzels at our taprooms, and Dunkels are a favorite fall style for our beer garden season and our brewing team,” says Jacobi Reid, a brewer at Samuel Adams, about the collaboration. “Pretzels have that crusty, toasty, and nutty flavor, the same sort of flavor profile you look for in a Dunkel, so we add them in to pump up the bready notes to this lager and salt to add some contrast that brightens the beer up.”

Consumers can enjoy the Wheelhaus Dunkel at Samuel Adams’ Boston brewery locations starting September 15. The beer will be available for purchase on draft and in limited-time 4-packs ($18) for as long as supplies last.