1. Make a batch of icing using DecoPac Neon Brite Green Premium Gel and ice the 12” cake. Apply the brown dot pattern from the Tie Pattern Variety Designer Prints™. Finish by mixing Green Sanding Sugar with Light Green Sanding Sugar and sprinkling it over the top of the cake.
2. Ice an 8” cake with light green icing and cover it completely with the green sanding sugar mixture. Place nine shoes from the Golf Assortments Dec-Ons® decorations around the side of the cake as shown with a little dab of icing.
3. Make a batch of medium blue icing using DecoPac Royal Blue Premium Gel, plus a few drops of DecoPac Deep Pink Premium Gel. Stack two 6” layers of cake and ice with the blue icing.
4. Make a template for a tie about 7 ½” long. Apply the argyle pattern from the Tie Pattern Variety Designer Prints™ to 1/8” moistened white fondant. Cut out the tie with a razor knife and cut off the knot from the tie. Apply the tie pieces to the moistened fondant as shown. Attach a golf tee from the Golf Assortments Dec-Ons® Decorations at the base of the tie with a dab of icing.
5. Use a little of the medium blue icing to make a batch of light blue icing and ice the 5” cake. Attach two tees and a golf bag from the Golf Assortment Dec-Ons® decorations to the front of the cake with a dab of icing.
6. Stack all of your tiers together. Use fudge and a #8 tip to pipe a bottom beaded border on the 12” tier. Use the medium blue icing and a #5 tip to make a beaded border on the 6” tier as shown. Use a #5 tip with the light blue icing to make a beaded border on the 5” tier.

 7. For the cake top decoration, begin by forming crispy cereal treats into the shape of an old fashioned golf cap. Ice the treats with a layer of icing and then cover that with a layer of ¼” fondant. Make a template for the cap brim. Use the template and a razor knife to cut the brim out of 1/8” rolled fondant.

8. Cover the entire cap with the argyle pattern; for the brim, cut a piece of the print just a little bigger so that you can pat the print around the edges of the brim and tuck it under. Moisten the fondant and apply the print
9. Moisten the rest of the cap and begin by attaching one strip of print down the center. Use smaller pieces on the sides, matching up the pattern as you go.
10. Attach the brim to the cap with a little water and place the completed top piece on the cake as shown.
To order everything you need to decorate this cake, please click here.

Decoration Idea by Sandy McNicol and Charra Jarosz