1. Mix batches of pale lime green, rose pink and fuchsia icing using DecoPac Premium Gel in Neon Brite Green, Red Red (a scant amount) and Fuchsia.
2. Ice the cake in white icing.

3. Apply the dotted print from the Serendipity Variety Designer Prints™ decorations to the sides of the cake, leaving a 1/3” gap between each strip. Three strips will fit evenly around a 10” cake.
4. Apply one Serendipity Birthday Edible Image® decoration to the top of the cake.
5. Pipe a beaded bottom border in fuchsia using a #10 round tip, and then pipe a straight line between each Designer Print™ strip.
6. Pipe a fanciful dotted and floral top border in pale lime, rose pink and fuchsia using #5 and #10 round tips.

To order everything you need to decorate this cake, please click here.

Decorating idea courtesy of Lucks