Mike Elder is a nice guy. No one will argue against that—especially not those who attended his demonstration at the National Capital Area Cake Show on March 25. After feasting on mini cupcakes at the cupcake challenge, guests sat down for an intimate evening with Mike Elder while he sculpted a car cake and answered questions.
"Nobody really orders an 8-foot tall sand castle cake," he told an audience member who asked what his toughest cake order has been. He didn't hesitate to tell her that his biggest challenges happen on TV.
Elder wasn't shy about giving some secrets away. For instance, he recommends that when creating a sculpted car, you should place the fondant for the window on first for a more realistic look. After all, "When you walk out to your car tonight, notice that the windows aren't laying on top of the body," he said. As he sculpted the car, an audience member pointed out that there was a flaw in the fondant on the back side. So he shared a secret quick-fix...more fondant!
From sharing the cake shavings to letting the audience drive the creative direction, Elder played for his fans. And in the end—in true nice-guy fashion—Elder sent his creation home with one lucky birthday girl, who's age was represented on the car's number: 15.
Be sure to catch Mike Elder—and host of other celebrity decorators—at his Icing on the Cake show April 17 in Kansas City. You can enter your cake for exhibit, take in the live challenge and demos and just enjoy some great cake design, all in the name of charity. Icing on the Cake proceeds go to support Newhouse, a Kansas City shelter for abused women. For more information, visit www.mikeelderonline.com. To learn about Newhouse, visit www.newhouseshelter.org.