According to a Dec. 28 email from San Francisco Baking Institute founder Michel Suas, one of the country’s most important baking instruction facilities will remain open.
The SFBI had been ordered to cease operations by California's Bureau of Private Postsecondary Education (BPPE) while it processed SFBI’s license renewal application to stay open. SFBI had been informed the review process can last up to three months, and that fact had caused Suas to announce the baking school would be unable to survive the financial strain such a period would impose upon their organization.
The SFBI quickly reached out to the baking industry to gather signatures for an online petition to urge the BPPE to allow SFBI to continue operations.
In a Dec. 28 announcement, Suas wrote: “Thank you so much for your overwhelming support! Due to the pressure of everyone the Bureau has agreed to let us reopen today! Although I would love to thank each person individually and let them know the great news, I would like to express in this letter how very grateful I am for each one of you who have expressed support, written letters, signed our petition, spoken to media and government on our behalf, and encouraged us through your calls and emails. All of your voices made me realize the importance of SFBI in many levels on everyone's life, personal or business and I could not let it go. It amazed me the group of people from all over the world who reached out for support because we all have the same goal, baking good products.”
The SFBI is a world-renowned leader in artisan bread and pastry education. SFBI's global alumni include thousands of professionals and enthusiasts, and the organization also consults to top domestic and international bakeries.