Thanksgiving is around the corner, and soon Christmas bells will be ringing! But don't forget about these other holidays for decorating and merchandising inspiration. 


Peanut Butter Lovers' Month
Native American Heritage Month

10th - National Vanilla Cupcake Day
11th - Veterans' Day
15th - Great American Smoke Out
17th - Homemade Bread Day
22nd - Thanksgiving
23rd - Black Friday


Safe Toys and Gifts Month
Cookie Cutter Week (1-7)

2nd - National Fritters Day
4th - National Cookie Day
6th - St. Nicholas Day
8th - Hanukkah (begins at Sunset)
9th - National Pastry Day
16th - National Chocolate Covered Anything Day
24th - Christmas Eve
25th - Christmas Day
26th - Kwanzaa Begins