
Graham Cracker Whoopie Pie 

80 g all-purpose flour 
30 g cake flour 
50 g whole wheat flour 
3.4 g baking soda 
0.4 g salt 
1.3 g ground cinnamon 
57 g butter, soft 
113 g brown sugar 
25 g eggs 
4 ml vanilla extract 
115 ml whole milk 

Marshmallow Whoopie Pie Filling 

57 g butter 
45 g powdered sugar 
115 g fluff or marshmallow cream 
7 ml vanilla extract 
45 g Van Leer Ivory White Chocolate, melted 


Van Leer Ultimate Dark Snaps and White Chocolate 10,000 Count Chips



Graham Cracker Whoopie Pie

Sift the flours, baking soda, salt and cinnamon together.

Cream the butter and sugar together until slightly fluffy.

Add in the eggs, scraping down often.

Alternate adding in the dry ingredients and the milk/vanilla, adding half at a time until incorporated, scraping.

Marshmallow Whoopie Pie Filling

Cream the butter, powdered sugar, fluff and extract together until smooth.

Stream in the melted white chocolate and mix to combine.

Refrigerate until needed.

For assembly, dip each whoopie cookie halfway in melted Van Leer Ultimate Dark Snaps and sprinkle Van Leer Ivory White Chocolate 10,000 count chips on coating before it sets.

Pipe a ring of filling on one whoopie cookie and sandwich another on top.


Formulation courtesy of Van Leer