
Guayaba Mix 1/50 lb

Macaroon Cookie Mix (Mac-Mix) 1/40 lb

Gourmet Raspberry Filling 1/20 lb


Scale and Mix

Scale and mix the batter following the directions on a bag of our Trigal Dorado Guayaba Mix. Let the batter rest for just a few moments to let it thicken slightly.



Using a small ice cream scoop, deposit the batter on to a paper lined baking sheet pan.



Bake for 12-14 minutes, depending on size, at 320ºF until light golden in color. Let them cool completely.



By hand, coat the bottom of one cookie with Westco Gourmet Raspberry Filling, and stick it to another. Gently smear the entire cookie with the filling. Then, roll the entire cookie in Westco Macaroon Cookie Mix (Mac Mix).


Recipe courtesy of BakeMark