Puratos’ Deli Cheesecake is a ready-to-use, easy to bake, cheesecake base containing 40% cream cheese. This product is simple, yet so versatile, that it allows you the creative freedom to make your cheesecake truly your own, consistently with no hassle. By using this Deli Cheesecake base the taste, texture, and design of your cheesecake are still completely mutable but high quality is always guaranteed.

Cheesecake has been a worldwide staple for thousands of years. This classic dessert has shown its versatility from region to region over decades, but now, Puratos has launched arguably the most innovative recipe yet.

The time needed to scale and prepare ingredients and bake or water bath a Cheesecake built from scratch is inefficient and inconsistent. The results are not always the same and your best product cannot always be guaranteed. With Deli Cheesecake your cheesecake will always be a success, it creates a smile every time.