According to, as Jan. 1, 2014, 54% of Americans over the age of 18 drink coffee every day for a total of 100 million daily coffee drinkers in the US. Of those, 30 million drink specialty beverages (lattes, cappuccinos, mochas, etc.). Sixty percent of US coffee drinkers claim they need a cup of coffee to start their day. The yearly amount of money spent on specialty coffee in the US totals $18 million. Clearly, offering coffee at your bakery opens up a steady stream of revenue at a fairly low cost to you. 

Flavored coffee

Flavored and specialty coffees continue to gain popularity. Over the past two years consumer purchases of blended and specialty coffees have increased, according to Flavors like vanilla and hazelnut remain staples to the flavored coffee drinking world, and pumpkin spice and peppermint still hold as go-to holiday favorites, but many operators and retailers have expanded their flavor options and have begun to offer seasonal flavors earlier in the season and new flavors year-round.

While consumers enjoy flavored coffee for its unique taste, that’s not the only reason it is so popular. Flavored coffee allows a customer to try a different flavor and experience each day, Experts say that customization counts as one of the many reasons flavored coffees have seen such growth in recent years. Customization allows the drinker to make their cup unique by choosing flavor, brew, additives, etc.

Retailers can either buy beans that have been infused with flavor during the roasting process, or add flavored syrups during the preparation of the coffee. Syrups and extracts give the retailer an almost endless variety of flavors to make available to the customer. Creamers, ground spices and whipped cream give the coffee drinker further opportunity to customize their cup. 

Proven flavors

Mix and match flavors to find out what your customers buy. Make sure to have the most popular flavors for your bakery available daily.
White chocolate
Dolce de leche